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Image of Transfer Station by Will Robson

Marblehead Voices Opinions on Transfer Station Hours

Editor's Note: This article was updated at 12:05 PM on July 20, 2022, to include information from a phone call with Joanne Miller, a member of the Board of Health who serves as the Board's Communications Director. 


As regular Marblehead Beacon readers are likely aware, we recently conducted a poll regarding Transfer Station hours. The Station’s current hours are Monday through Saturday from 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 3:25 PM. We asked whether citizens would like to see the available hours changed, and what new hours they would most like to see added. The poll received more than 300 responses, and the percentage breakdown for each option is shown below. 


Results from Poll 1 | Transfer Station Poll
     Poll Results: Transfer Station Hours


The most popular response, with over 40 percent of the vote, requested that the Transfer Station remain open through lunchtime. The second and third most popular options, which were separated by just three votes, asked that the Station be open on Sundays and that the Station stay open later, respectively. Nearly 50 people are content with the Transfer Station hours as is, and just under 10 believe the Transfer Station should open earlier than 7:30 AM. 


The Transfer Station is under the jurisdiction of the Marblehead Board of Health. Marblehead Beacon spoke with Joanne Miller, a member of the Board who serves as its Communications Director. Miller expressed that the Board "appreciates the poll being initiated" and that it will "enable a conversation [between Board of Health members] to help the community best use this resource." Miller also mentioned that the Transfer Station is an "outstanding, significant resource," and that the Board will focus energy on ensuring it is used to its fullest extent. 


Marblehead Beacon is now conducting a second poll, this time asking the Marblehead community about the possibility of future tax overrides. Make your voice heard here.


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